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Please continue to pray for me. Since our meeting, I've been struggling with leaving the security of a "steady" salary. It's so hard to know what is the best way to go

Thank You.

I sure will. Thanks for updating me. May I make a suggestion?

Write down the 10 most important areas of your life in order from 1 - 10. This is the order in which you need to live your life, give your time to, etc. We must make sure that the lesser serves the greater, not vice versa.

When faced with choices, we often don't know what to do because we want it all. But, we can't have it all. We must choose one. Fit the choices into your list above and see where it fits, and then choose the greater.

Too often, we have our lists ordered out in our minds one way but in actuality are living it upside down, where we spend way more effort, time, etc. on #4 than #1. We end up, in reality, giving up #1 or 2 in order to keep #4 or 5 (that's the greater serving the lesser). That's when life gets difficult, because in our minds we know we desire #1 or 2 but in reality we're living #4 or 5 as if it were #1 or 2 and it doesn't seem right.

As I said, I know I can't have it all, so I'd rather lose the lesser and keep the greater than the other way around. Where life gets confusing is when we really haven't clearly determined our values and value structure.

Someone once rightly said, "When your values are clear, decisions are easy to make." Think about that. It's so true.

It's not so easy when we've laid our values out horizontally, with equal value. It becomes much clearer when you take your horizontal and make it vertical, where there's now a higher and lower.

What I don't want to be guilty of is what Jesus charged the church at Ephesus with in Rev. 2: "I know (all these good things you've done for Me - my paraphrase) ... but this I have against you, that you have left your first love." Wow.

So, the Lord is to be the focus and the reason you stay or leave, come or go, or whatever you do. "Whether then you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1Cor. 10:31) Anything less is sin.

So, to me, the issue doesn't really have much to do with the "steady salary", for the Lord knows how to feed His people just fine (He feeds the sparrows, how much more us?).

The issue is more what your calling in life is. What are you really called to do, who are you really called to be, and whom are you really called to serve?

Don't know if that helps but I hope so. I'm praying for you. Keep me posted, brother, and let me know if there's anything we can do to help.

And remember, you never have to be afraid to do the right thing.



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Total Devotion is the High School Fellowship at Mandarin Baptist Church of Los Angeles.

Total Devotion meets on every Friday night from 730 PM to 10 PM in Room 131 except for the last Friday of each month.